Fire Service

Fire Service

The role of fire services is very crucial in any emergency. In fact, in the developed world, fire services are not only employed for firefighting but also for rescue operations as emergency services. As per the Standing Fire Advisory Committee, on the basis of laid down norms, existing deficiencies as regards fire stations, fire fighting vehicles and personnel in the country are as follows:

  • Fire Stations————————————————–97.54%
  • Fire Fighting and Rescue Vehicles————————-80.04%
  • Fire Personnel————————————————96.28%

Taking note of these deficiencies, NDMA made a forceful case with the 13th Finance Commission for allocation of funds to revitalize the fire services. Realising the importance and need to revamp fire services in the country, the Finance Commission has allotted Grants in Aid specifically to the states which have made specific proposals before it. It has also more than doubled the grant to local bodies in comparison to the allocation made by the 12th Finance Commission and simultaneously recommended that the local bodies should spend money on Fire Services.

NDMA has released National Disaster Management Guidelines on Scaling, Type of Equipment and Training of Fire Services in the country.